Welcome back, my people. At the time of this writing, I'm watching the “Tyra Banks Show” with “Ludacris” as a guest on the show. A female in the audience asked him the question, “How can you tell if a man is cheating on you?”, to which Luda responded by saying, “I can't answer that question due to the guy code; I must respect the code; right fellas?” Men in the audience agreed with him.
Ladies, I don't have a “guy code” I respect. You are my sisters and I want the best for you, and I want to help you as much as I can. That's why I tell you the truth (as I see it) and keep it real.
With that said, I need to piggy back on the last conversation about the nature of why people cheat. Some people may think that I'm simply making excuses or trying to give the green light to people who just want to have fun fooling around. I am not attempting to make excuses; however, I am attempting to explain a little bit about natural animal instincts. As human beings, we are blessed with minds that can reason, think, and create; unlike other mammals. Due to this human benefit, we don't have to submit to animalistic behavior. People do not have to cheat; men or women. And in spite of statistics, not all men cheat! They may fantasize occasionally, but many men are conservatively faithful. However, depending on your upbringing, social, religious, and parental influence, as well as individual personalities, we all have various degrees of moral levels. And as humans with the capacity to love and receive love, at our core being, we have no desire to hurt one another. However, when our ability to have certain basic needs met are challenged (a wife withholding sex from her husband for weeks because she's always too tired, or going without food for two weeks, for example), we may turn to animalistic behavior, or act on “instincts” to help meet the need. The stronger your moral “programming”, the less likely you are to revert to acting on instinct. Sex is a basic, natural human need, and so is “change”. We need to keep these things in mind when we are in monogamous relationships. Your attitude towards and treatment of your man can very well help determine, along with other factors, how likely he is to use his mind to be faithful, or his “flesh” (aka instinct) to be a cheat.
Next I'll get into the other ways to keep your man from cheating on you; so stayed tuned.
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