Hello everyone!! Once again Dr. Mike's here with some of my thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on some of the things I feel are relative and important to today's society. Let me remind you that I don't claim to have "the" answer from God concerning this monologue. Among us "saved" folks, you will here quite often the phrase, "The Lord spoke to me and said....."!!! Most times the Lord ain't said nothing; but that doesn't stop us from making the claim. I'm telling you up front that what I'm saying comes from years of experience, careful observation, a bit of my opinion, and a dash or pinch of inspiration. With that said let's get into the meat, a bit, as to why men cheat, and how to keep your man from cheating.
I told you before that there are three (3) things I believe wives, girlfriends, and move-in-honeys need to do to help ensure that their men will not cheat or seek the "services" of other females. It is my intention to share one of the three with you today. I think, however, at this point, it is important, for the sake of some of my more "conservative" friends, to understand why I also address the "girlfriends" and "move-in-honeys (aka "shack up); as if their relationships aren't as "divinely" legit. In the true spirit of the matter, when the rubber meets the road; whether the romantic union has been legalized by the state and blessed by the church or not; even if they haven't moved in together yet, women expect the men they're with to be faithful and monogamous to them. And if they're not, there can be some serious emotional, financial, and physical repercussions ( as crazy as it sounds, even "mistresses" expect faithfulness from cheating husbands; now think about that one for a minute).
For number one, I shall start with the most obvious: Clean, healthy, and vibrant sexual stimulation! Notice I didn't just say "give him some" (Remember, this is coming from a dude who's been married for nearly 20 years). Allow me to break it on down for you. First, the sex needs to be clean. Now when I say "clean", I'm not talking about the avoidance of certain types of sexual activities such as anal, oral, and stuff like that. That's between you and your lover to decide. As long as the two of you are in agreement and it's safe, comfortable and pleasurable, it's all good. I'm speaking of personal hygiene my friends.
Ladies, please understand; I can not over emphasize enough your need, due to your unique anatomies, to stay on top of good overall physical hygiene including oral, the "private parts" (back and front), and hair! One would think, "Duh, isn't that obvious?" Well, according to my experience, apparently not. Sometimes, due to being busy, tired, overworked, in a hurry, etc; women can, and do, neglect themselves. As a result, they may not be as fresh as they can be. However, some of these same woman will expect their men to "perform" as if they are the national model for Victoria Secrets, Bare Necessities, Avon, or Scope. I've heard people make the statement, "Well, if we really love each other, it shouldn't matter!" Oh, my God, who done told you wrong? (please excuse my grammar here). As if love should withstand morning breath, foot odor, bad hair, and other unpleasants I won't mention right here. Well, maybe true love will withstand these "situations", but not a good sex life! In case you hadn't heard, you can love someone and not be excited about french kissing them. All I'm trying to say, without being to redundant, is to be very mindful of your hygiene throughout the day, especially when you're with your man.
Here are a few pointers on what you can do to at least appear to be "fresh" for him:
1. Keep some sugarless breath spray (sugar causes tooth decay and eventually makes the odor worse) next to your side of the bed so you can give yourself a quick shot or two, just in case you haven't had a chance to go properly brush and gargle, but he's just got to have you "right now"!
2. Forget the expensive perfumes and powders; nothing is more powerful on foot odor than trusty ole baking soda. Just sprinkle a bit between the toes. Neither you, he, or anyone else will ever smell a thing.
3. Speaking of baking soda, brushing your teeth and tongue with baking soda or a very good baking soda based toothpaste (Arm & Hammer is perhaps the best) with a hydrogen peroxide damp toothbrush, along with flossing and a good mouthwash, after every meal; or at least every morning and before bed time, will usually help keep the mouth "french-kissing ready".
4. Am I one of the few people that realizes that toilet paper doesn't exactly "clean" you down there; hmm? I mean, c'mon, you might as well wash your dishes with a dry rag (try eating off of that plate during your next meal). Most people use toilet paper during those number "one" and "two" moments in the washroom, but will wait until their daily bath or shower (dear God let it be at least "daily") for soap and water. However, what if he's in the mood for love after the washroom break, but before the next scheduled bath or shower? What will you do? Just give him some anyway? Or maybe you're the horny one; do you insist on doing "it" before a good soaking? Do us a favor: Don't do it!!! Spontaneity certainly has its place, but, trust me, very bad experiences can occur between the sheets with this care-free attitude towards cleanliness. Hey, do you want spontaneity? Suddenly snatch him into the shower and try some wet foreplay.
5. And finally, ladies, I know that keeping your hair perpetually "beauty-salon correct" can be a challenge ( I do have a wife and two daughters). Therefore, if you're just going to slap a wig or a hair piece on it, at least make sure that the hair and scalp underneath is regularly washed and combed. After a few days of neglect, hair and scalp tends to develop an odor as well as dandruff. And it can be a turn off when you get home from work, or the mall, snatch off your wig, climb into bed to snuggle up with your man, and there's the odor of neglected hair (dandruff just isn't sexy).
Next, I'm going to discuss the "healthy" portion of number one of the three ways to keep your man from cheating; so stay tuned.
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