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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good evening saints, sinners, atheist, Muslims, homosexuals; I love you all, and invite you into the world of my mind and thoughts, and I look forward to reading and hearing some of your opinions on some of these matters as well.

We are continuing our discussion from a little over a week ago concerning the 4 Ps of parenting. This time around I'd like to deal with the fourth and final p which is "power", or energy; in fact, that's the word I really want to use here, energy. I said power because I needed a 4th p. In many circles power and energy mean the same thing. Any hoo, It takes a great deal of energy to raise and deal with these precious ones from birth all the way up to the wedding, military, or college date and beyond. You need enough energy to make sure diapers are changed in a timely a fashion. Most times diaper rash is due to either tired, forgetful, overwhelmed, or just plain ole negligent parents. It takes energy to cook proper healthy meals for them consistently instead of throwing together quick tasty crap like pizza and donuts with pop. It takes energy to see to it that their hairs are combed, teeth is brushed, clothes are wrinkled-free and clean, and butts are consistently washed. Faithful monitoring of their school work; checking their assignments on-line, attending school meetings, and maintaining communication with the teachers require this energy. Consistently supervising house-hold chores, maintaining and managing well kept shot records, getting them regular physicals and dental appointments, paying careful attention to each individual child's gifts, talents, weaknesses, and personalities; all while being a good role model and practicing what you preach, requires much energy. Being a good, attentive listener who gathers all of the facts before rushing to judgement and silly decisions requires energy.

Now, where does this energy come from? I will agree that it is difficult to maintain this type of energy, or power, on an ongoing and consistent basis throughout their childhood and teenage years, especially if you have more than two children. This is one reason why I highly recommend two-parent families. Your family business success is maximized by the energies of two people rather than just one. Now I'm not saying that a single mom or dad can't do it; indeed, many of them are doing a fantastic job. However, there are reasons why it takes a man and a woman to have a baby; I will discuss all of those reasons at a later time, but for the purpose of this discussion, one reason is because when the responsibility is shared by two, it is much easier for the both of them to conserve, maintain, and build up individual energy. Now I can understand why you'd have a single parent due to divorce, death, or military absence. There are even many young women out there who, as a result of enjoying themselves, end up pregnant by "accident"; thus becoming young single mothers, as apposed abortion. But what gets me is the many women out there who deliberately and purposely decide ahead of time to have a child without the partnership of a father. Once again; not that it can't be done, but if your intention is to give your child the very best, than two parents (mom and dad) is definitely the way to go. After all, two batteries supply more power than just one.

Now before some of you "on purpose" single moms get upset with me about my promotion of the energies of a mom and dad together, let me add that I believe I do understand why you would deliberately choose the single route. There are at least two things that God/Nature has programmed a woman to want in general, and that is a husband and a baby. Now you can argue with me, but I know I'm right. Ladies, this is not a bad thing. The problem, however, is that many times, in today's society, the baby seems to be much easier to get and keep than the man. Many of you would prefer both, but since there are no guarantees about securing the husband, you just decide to take your chances with just the baby and hope for the best. I get that; I'll be praying that God gives you the energy it takes to do a good job on your own.
But most of us could use some assistance.

Besides a partner, it also helps to be of sound mind and good health. Although some of you may be saying, "Daaaah, that should be obvious", you may be surprised at how many parents don't eat right, which includes fruits, vegetables, fiber, and plenty of water; as well as regular exercise. I get the feeling sometimes that we grow up and think that gym is just for grammar and high school (indeed, many of us only run for a bus). I saw on the news just the other day where a ninety year old woman was on the slopes skiing. Although there are some things you should mature past, you never out grow fun, recreation, and playing. These are some of the ways to replenish some energy and power.

Finally, I believe we all can benefit from some spiritual edification and inspiration. Whether you know it or not, you are an eternal spirit being having a temporary human experience; and you miss out on something very valuable and vital when you go through life ignoring your spiritual side. Now I'm not here to preach any particular religion. Some of you will say, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus", some of you will say, "Muhammad", and still others of you may say "Jehovah". And then some people will just meditate and do "yoga". Whatever your taste may be, we all should tap into the spirit force within to help generate some much needed energy.

In closing this discussion on the 4 Ps, if we as parents make it a practice and a habit of being patient, present, persistent, and full of power or energy, I believe our families, communities, companies, country, and world will have a much brighter future thanks, in great part, to great adults who were once raised by great parents.

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